Monday, November 24, 2008

Listening Passage: Mona Lisa

One possible identity of Mona Lisa is Leonardo da Vinci himself. It is said that Leonardo could have drawn a picture of himself as a woman. Scientists have scanned a self-portrait of da Vinci and the famous portrait of Mona Lisa with their high tech computers and scanners, it has been said that the two paintings match perfectly, and that it is possible that da Vinci drew himself as a woman.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Character Unit Intro

Do you think people ever change?

I think that some people change but it really depends on the person because if one person has the state of mind that they wanna change then they would get it done and not let anything stand in front of their way. For example, If I was a stuck up, snotty person and I effected every one around me then I would have to change the way I was but in my state of mind I didn't need to change anything. What if there was someone just like me but eventually they did change their ways because in their minds they didn't want to be disliked anymore.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Reflection

I think that Obama will probably start with the war since it is like the main source to all our financial problems. Like for example, if we stop the war sooner then we'd be able to afford better schools;health care;better houses and things like that. Since Obama is the first African-American to run for the position to be president of the United States its very historical that he won.
I think that over the next years that Obama is in office, he will change the country for us to be independent and more responsible.